The Joseph Milsand Archive – Correspondence

Search Help

Search Help for Checklist of Milsand Correspondence

The search fields are not case-sensitive.

Date: Enter dates in the form of YYYYMMDD. Searches can also be made by year only (YYYY) and year and month only (YYYYMM). To create a range of dates, fill in the fields both to the left and the right of the “to.” Entering 1868 to 18680215 returns all entries from the start of 1868 through 15 February 1868. Entering 1868 to 1868 returns all entries with an 1868 date. For undated letters enter 99999999.

Author, Recipient, Correspondent: To see a list of names, click on the “T” button to the right of the Correspondence field, then the drop-down list. To save typing, click on a name. Entering Milsand, Claire generates her entries. Entering Milsand alone returns all Milsands. Entering Claire alone returns all Claires. A surname or given name that constitutes part of a longer name returns the longer name as well. The more words that are entered, the narrower the search results. For Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning, use the abbreviations EBB and RB.

Sorted by: When only one field is filled, the sort order defaults to that field. When more than one field has been filled, the sort order defaults to date order. To change a search result sort order, select an option from the drop-down list.
